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How I Found the Best Routine for Anxious Dogs

Reggie's all-natural, science-backed regimen is a gamechanger for anxiety.

Four and a half gold stars.

Reggie’s products are loved by 1000+ pet owners

A dog laying on a rug under a gray couch.

I admit it: I’m an anxious dog mom—and my lab Molly picked up my traits. When we were snuggled on the couch watching TV, Molly was incredibly calm and quiet. But when I left her alone for a morning gym session? I came home to distraught yaps and a destroyed couch.

It wasn’t just being alone: Molly hates—among other things—the train, the lawnmower, the neighbor’s poodle, fireworks, storms, buzzing flies, loud music, and car engines.

The smallest things made her shake uncontrollably, bury her head in blankets, and bark incessantly.

It broke my heart every time. I knew I needed a solution.

I tried everything (dog moms know: that’s no exaggeration). But only one thing finally helped: Reggie’s ready-made calming regimen. Here’s the story.

A dog lies on a rug in a living room near a sofa and guitar stand.

More than 70% of Dogs Have Anxiety

Molly’s troubles aren’t as rare as I thought.

Our modern lives aren’t made for our faithful friends, and all types of breeds—from the biggest Great Dane to the smallest Pom—are susceptible to anxiety.

Dogs are pack animals. They don’t understand when we go out to work and leave them home alone. And our modern, busy lives often don’t provide dogs with enough mental stimulation.

And the science agrees: Up to 70% of all dogs exhibit symptoms of anxiety like panting, pacing, trembling, yapping, or hiding.

Finding a Solution for Dog Anxiety is Hard

Though it’s common for dogs to suffer from anxiety, I quickly discovered that there wasn’t a common solution. I didn’t want to simply bring Molly to the vet and put her on any heavy pharmaceuticals that could change her little personality. Plus, Molly is ultra fussy (she’s a doggy princess, after all!).

Any solution that would work for Molly had to be healthy, natural, delicious, and affordable.

At first, I tried a couple of cheap online treats, which didn’t seem to make much of a difference. I also bought her a ‘calming’ bed, which she destroyed one day while I was at work…so I moved onto plan B.

That’s when I found Reggie—a brand that offers an easy-to-follow, daily calming regimen, not just one “miracle” product.

Enter: Reggie’s Science-Backed Regimen for Relaxation

Reggie’s approach, The Better Behavior Bundle, is a simple, two-step routine to keep Molly occupied—scientifically proven to reduce anxiety and keep dogs mentally stimulated.

Dog bed with accessories, including jars and a green interactive feeding mat, on a wood floor.

Morning Routine: Anytime Calming Chews hidden in the Stimulating Feeder Mat

The morning routine involves Reggie’s Anytime Calming Chews buried and hidden in the Stimulating Feeder Mat.

The Calming Chews include natural, relaxing ingredients like:

L-Theanine, which occurs naturally in green tea and promotes relaxation.

Magnolia Bark, which enhances the activity of soothing receptors in the brain, helping to control feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety.

Phellodendron, which inhibits stress receptors and reduces stress.

L-Theanine, which occurs naturally in green tea and promotes relaxation.

Magnolia Bark, which enhances the activity of soothing receptors in the brain, helping to control feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety.

Phellodendron, which inhibits stress receptors and reduces stress.

Apparently, the mat was designed to play into her natural foraging instincts, giving her a fun and engaging activity. It keeps her occupied and gives her the mental stimulation she needs to relax. In fact, I recently read that 15 minutes of foraging like this can burn as much energy as an hour of walking!

Makes sense because now, I return home from my morning workouts to a calm Molly resting on the couch.

It’s insane…Molly still has her vibrant personality, but she’s more relaxed and less anxious.

A dog sniffing a brown pet mat with a container labeled 'reggie anytime calming' beside it.

Afternoon Routine: Relaxing with a Soothing Lick Mat and PB Calming Spread

After a quick walk to the park and some snuggles, it was time for Molly’s evening activity. This included a Soothing Lick Mat lathered up with Reggie’s Calming Spread.

Licking is a way for dogs to naturally ease anxiety, and it works by releasing calming endorphins. Teamed with the calming spread, which contains all-natural peanut butter and melatonin to encourage sleep and rest, your dog is guaranteed to have a more relaxed evening.

L-Theanine, which occurs naturally in green tea and promotes relaxation.

Magnolia Bark, which enhances the activity of soothing receptors in the brain, helping to control feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety.

Phellodendron, which inhibits stress receptors and reduces stress.

Well, Molly loved it. She was so excited when we got out the jar and could smell the peanut butter as soon as I opened it. But her zoomies were short-lived. She got to work licking and came into the living room afterward with a relaxed, happy strut, and promptly began snoozing again!

A huge success for Reggie.

A dog licks a green mat beside a jar of Reggie peanut butter calming spread.

Now? Molly is Calm, Relaxed, and Much Happier!

As The Better Behavior Bundle has become part of our daily routine, I noticed a huge shift in Molly. She now has all-day, holistic support for her anxiety, and she's noticeably more relaxed and happy as a result!

Yes, anxiety is common in dogs…but that doesn’t mean we have to accept it. There is hope. Reggie has changed the game for Molly. And let’s be honest: as an anxious dog mom, it’s totally changed the game for me, too.

A happy golden retriever with its tongue out sitting indoors by a gray couch.

Dog Parents Love The Calming Bundle!

Four and a half gold stars.

This stuff is the best! I'm working on my rescue's separation anxiety and the calming spread plus the lick mat have been amazing!! It's the perfect treat before I head out the door and it totally chills her out. We love this stuff

Four and a half gold stars.

Bentley loves searching for treats in this mat. He never misses any. Sometimes he also lays in the mat-reason unknown 😂

Four and a half gold stars.

Reggie's calming chews give my dogs help decrease their anxiety with veterinarian visits, storms and fireworks.

Get The Fun and Effective Regimen.

Discover the joy of a happier, calmer pup with Reggie’s science-backed Better Behavior Bundle. Give your dogs holistic calming support and watch their anxiety melt away!

Abstract illustration with four green curved lines on a white background.



Designed for all dogs


Easy-to-clean and use

100% happier fur babies


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A brown dog laying on a shaggy rug beside a container labeled 'reggie anytime calming.'A black-and-white dog sniffs a snuffle mat with training treats in the background.
Two black dogs eating from a brown pet feeding mat.A dog with a black bandana sitting beside a container of calming supplements.
Great Dane with a red collar resting on a gray blanket.Small dog with curly black and white fur sitting beside a brown pet bed on a patterned rug.

Get The Anxiety Soothing Routine

Two jars labeled 'calming spread' and 'anytime calming,' alongside textured pads and a bowl with brown contents.